Daily Care for your Teeth


How to Care for your Teeth

Clean your teeth first thing in the morning and last thing at night.

Brush your teeth at least twice a day for two minutes each time with toothpaste containing fluoride. You do not need to rinse your mouth with water after brushing, as rinsing away the toothpaste reduces the benefits of the fluoride, so you can just spit out the toothpaste instead.

Floss your teeth regularly.

It is important to clean carefully between your teeth and floss regularly, because bits of food caught between the teeth and the tongue can rot and cause bad breath. The unpleasant smell is caused by smelly gases released from bacteria living in the mouth. If even after brushing and flossing regularly the bad breath persists, you should consult your dentist or hygienist, as it could be a sign of gum disease or tooth decay.

Avoid constant snacks throughout the day.

It is better for the teeth if we do not keep snacking throughout the day, because every time we eat and drink the teeth come under attack. The constant eating of acid food and drink can corrode the enamel of the teeth and sugary food can lead to tooth decay, as the bacteria in our mouth consume sugar and release acidic wastes that rot the teeth and damage the gums. If you do snack go for the healthier choice of food. Avoid food and drink containing sugar and opt for raw vegetables, nuts or breadsticks. If you eat acidic fruits as a snack, then eat something alkaline such as cheese afterwards.

Chewing sugar-free gum after meals can help to prevent tooth decay.

This is because chewing gum stimulates the mouth to produce more saliva, which helps to neutralise the acid from food and drink left in the mouth after eating. Chewing gum is only beneficial if you consume sugar-free gum, as sugar in normal gum can damage the teeth.


Avoid fizzy drinks.

The carbon dioxide gas used in fizzy drinks turns into a very dilute acid, which causes the erosion of the teeth enamel when consumed on a regular basis. The best drinks for the teeth are water or milk. Also a cup of tea can be a safe option too, as it contains natural occurring fluoride (green tea containing twice the amount of black tea).

Keep gums healthy.

Regular gentle flossing and brushing between teeth and around the area where the teeth join the gums can help to keep the gum healthy and prevent it from bleeding. If your gum continues to bleed even after having a good dental hygiene, then discuss this with your dentist or hygienist, as bleeding gums are often a sign of gum disease.

Pay regular visits to your dentist, ideally every six month for a routine dental check. In this way you can prevent long-term deterioration of your teeth and maintain a good oral health.


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