Hyperpigmented Skin Treatment


Hydroquinone Therapy is a treatment for hyperpigmentation on the skin, which causes brown spots on the skin due to the increase amount of melanin pigment in the skin, which can be hereditary, as in freckles, or developed with age, as in “old age spots”. It can also be caused due to hormonal changes during pregnancy or from the use of oral contraceptive, as in melasma, known as mask of pregnancy. Hyperpigmentation normally develops slowly and with time it becomes more obvious after skin exposure to the sun and tanning.

Hyperpigmented skin can be treated with a product containing hydroquinone, as it has a skin-bleaching agent that lightens the pigmented skin. It works by gradually reducing the production of melanin pigment in the skin. As less melanin is produced the darkened skin gradually fades to match the normal skin pigment. Within very dark skin the lightening effect of hydroquinone may not be noticeable.

When hydroquinone is applied to the skin regularly it can take up to a month or two before skin bleaching is normally noticed. Then it can be used as needed to prevent darkening from recurring. The earlier the treatment starts after the skin spots appear more are the chances of a satisfactory cosmetic result.

After the treatment has taken place and during the maintenance therapy you should avoid exposing the bleached skin to the sun by using sunscreen or by wearing protected clothing to prevent hyperpigmentation from recurring.


Hydroquinone treatment should be used as directed by your doctor who can advise you as to how much and how long the treatment will last. If no bleaching effect is noted after three months of treatment the use of hydroquinone products should be discontinued. Ask you physician for further advise.


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